Version 0.09: Camera Updates and Bug Fixes

Greetings, Aqualanders! I apologize for the lack of updates, I have been very busy with fall classes and work but I have a smaller update to share with you all!

This update was focused on a reworking of the camera system. The newer code has allowed for more possibilities- the main one being that the Trio can now disable multiple cameras! This should help make the Trio more difficult to won't be able to ignore their antics for long!

I also fixed some camera bugs that I noticed and updated some old UI font to make it look more fun. 

Alright, with that out of the way, here is a full list of all changes made to both versions of the game!

  • Deleted more code that was clogging up storage and cleaned up the game's files.
  • Adjusted the volume of the various sounds around the aquarium. 
  • Adjusted the position of Cam 7.
  • Fixed the weird camera angle issues during walking animations and Aronnax's patrolling animation.
  • The Trio can no longer wait until all cameras are fixed before breaking another camera. This means that if you neglect to fix a camera, they will soon break another camera.
  • Reworked a lot of the camera's code so it is more robust. This has also allowed for the Trio's buff to be possible.
  • Buffed Aronnax. :)
  • Made some cosmetic changes to the error screens that pop up when you look at a broken camera.
  • Changed the font on the loading screens.
  • Broken cameras will now have a variable amount they are fixed by every second. Sometimes they will fix quickly...other times, it might be a while. This should help make the Trio more of a threat in the later nights...

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where if the Trio broke a camera you were looking at, the error screen would not appear.
  • Fixed a rare issue where the camera UI would not appear after activating the tablet.
  • Currently investigating a bug where the tablet will not flip down after power runs out. If you are able to consistently replicate this issue, please let me know!

Remember- if you encounter any issues, please let me know! I will fix them as soon as I am able to do so!

Until next update, Aqualanders!

Get Five Nights at Aqualand

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